Recently updated on January 10th, 2024 at 06:23 am

In 2002, the company earned $144 million in revenue, and $154 million in 2003. Estimated revenue in 2015 grew to over $300 million. As of 2003, 35 percent of the company’s clothing was manufactured in the United States while the rest was made in China in compliance with Social Accountability International’s SA8000. You will get information about Eileen Fisher Holiday Hours, Eileen Fisher Today, Sunday, What time does Eileen Fisher Open/ closed. You can also find out the Eileen Fisher Near me Locations.

Eileen Fisher holiday hours

The majority of the stores will adjust hours of operation during the holidays. The observed holidays include:

What Time Does Eileen Fisher Close?

All Eileen Fisher are CLOSED only on following public holidays

Is Eileen Fisher Open On Christmas?

Eileen Fisher Regular business hours

Eileen Fisher hours today  Opening Hours Closing Hours
Monday 10:00 am 6:00 pm
Tuesday 10:00 am 6:00 pm
Wednesday 10:00 am 6:00 pm
Thursday 10:00 am 6:00 pm
Friday 10:00 am 6:00 pm
Saturday 10:00 am 4:00 pm
Sunday Closed Closed

Special Event Hours

Eileen Fisher has several special events throughout the year. You can contact your nearest Eileen Fisher regarding the hours of operation during the event.

Eileen Fisher Store Hours by Major Cities

Please, search Eileen Fisher Near ME locations from the map below. if you find your nearby Eileen Fisher location, click on the map shown below and nearest Eileen Fisher location around you will automatically pop up on your map. Also, use this store locator tool to find Eileen Fisher near me.

You can also get the Eileen Fisher Near Me Now through Embed Map / Eileen Fisher Locator. If you use Eileen Fisher locator to find the Eileen Fisher Locations. Just enter your areas zip code & find Eileen Fisher Near My Location.

Contact Eileen Fisher to Verify Business Hours

Phone Number: You can reach Eileen Fisher customer support by calling 1-(800)-445-1603 number directly.
Mail: You can send your correspondence to the corporate headquarters here: 2 Bridge St Ste 230, Irvington, New York, 10533, United States.

Social Media: Customers can connect with the customer service department through social media using their official Eileen Fisher or Twitter page, and click on the “message” button. you will receive a response from the customer service department within 24 hours.


What are the Thanksgiving Day holiday hours for Eileen Fisher?

On Thanksgiving Day, the majority of Eileen Fisher locations will be closed.

What are the Christmas Day holiday hours for Eileen Fisher?

On Christmas Day, the majority of Eileen Fisher locations will be closed.

What is the opening time of Eileen Fisher?

Eileen Fisher opens is at 10:00 am.

What is the Closing time of Eileen Fisher?

Eileen Fisher Closing is at 6:00 am.

See Also: Cole Haan Outlet hours | Locations | holiday hours | Cole Haan Outlet near me

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Eileen Fisher
Average rating:  
 2 reviews
 by Liam

Everyone exhibited constant friendliness, deference, and knowledge. They are really courteous and helpful.

 by Kayden

Ample merchandise in a neatly arranged store. The salesperson showed me their Basics line, which had petite items in stock, while I was searching for petite clothing. Really good. She also demonstrated to me how to recognise the styles that are available for special orders.